Minutia '07

Minutia '07

Minutia '07

Twelve miniature sweater ornaments knit in Ultra®Alpaca Light. See the whole Minutia collection!

Note 1

We made the hangers for these mini sweaters using 16 gauge colored wire.  For each hanger, cut a 12” long piece of wire.  Bring the 2 ends together.  2” down from the ends, twist the 2 pieces together once to hold them in place.  Shape the loop at the bottom into a hanger shape (the same as a wire coat hanger - flat across the bottom and rounded at each end).  Continue to twist the 2 ends tog all the way to the end.  Bend the twisted end into a hook.

Note 2

There are no gauge requirements for these projects


1 Hank Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4294 Turquoise Mix

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 5 (3.75 mm)

Cable needle (cn)

2 St markers

Stitch Glossary


Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k3, then k3 from cn

Cable Pattern (Worked over 13 sts)

Row 1 (RS):  K6, p1, k6.

Row 2 and all WS rows:  P6, k1, p6.

Row 3:  Rep Row 1.

Row 5:  CB6, p1, CB6.

Row 6:  Rep Row 2.

Rep these 6 rows for Cable Pat.


Body and sleeves are worked all in one piece from lower back edge to lower right edge.


With straight needles, cast on 19 sts.

Establish Pat:  Row 1 (RS):  P1, k1, p1, place marker, work Row 1 of Cable Pat over 13 sts, place marker, p1, k1, p1.

Row 2:  P1, k1, p1, work Row 2 of Cable Pat over 13 sts, p1, k1, p1.  Work even in Pat as established until piece measures approximately 2 1/4” from beg, end on Row 6 of Cable Pat.

Beg Sleeves:  Cast on 6 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 31 sts.  Keeping 9 sts at each end in Seed St as established and remaining sts in Cable Pat, work even until piece measures 3 1/4” from beg, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  Work 11 sts, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 9 sts, work to end – 11 sts each side.  Working both sides at once with separate hanks of yarn, work 1 row even.

Following Row (RS):  Work 11 sts, cast on 9 sts over sts bound off previously for neck, drop 2nd hank of yarn and work to end – 31 sts.  Work even in pat as established until piece measures 1” above cast-on sts, end on WS.

End Sleeves:  Bind off 6 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 19 sts.  Work even in pat as established until piece measures 2 1/4” above bound-off sts, end on WS.  Bind off.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neckband:  With RS facing, using dpn’s, beg at left shoulder, pick up and k20 sts around entire neck edge. Divide onto 3 needles.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Knit 3 rnds.

Next Rnd:  * K1, p1, rep from * around.

Following Rnd:  * P1, k1, rep from * around.  Bind off.  Fold neckband down to RS.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4201 Winter White (MC) and #4226 Pumpkin Puree (A).  Small amount each #4287 Denim Mix (B) and #4275 Pea Soup Mix (C)

Straight knitting needles, size 5 (3.75 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 5 (3.75 mm)

Three 3/8” buttons

2 St holders


Body is worked in one piece to underarm then divided for armholes.

Note 2

When changing colors, hold yarn to the left and pick up new color from underneath.  This twists yarn so there are no holes.  When carrying yarn across more than 3 sts, twist colors tog on WS to avoid long loops.


With straight needles, using MC, cast on 29 sts.

Ribbing:  Row 1 (RS):  K1, * p1, k1, rep from * across.

Row 2:  P1, * k1, p1, rep from * across.  Rep Row 1 once more, inc 6 sts across, end on WS – 35 sts.

Next Row (RS):  (K1, p1) twice, work Row 1 of chart to last 4 sts, (p1, k1) twice.  Keeping 4 sts at each side in ribbing as established for frontbands and working remaining sts in St st following chart, work even until piece measures 2 1/2” from beg, end on Row 15 of chart.

Divide for Back and Fronts:  Next Row (RS):  Work 9 sts and sl these sts to holder for right front; bind off 2 sts, work 13 sts for back, sl remaining 11 sts to holder for left front – 13 sts.  Work even in St st following chart until piece measures approximately 3 1/4” from beg and chart has been completed, end on WS.  Bind off.

Right Front:  With WS facing, sl 9 sts from holder to straight needle.  Work in pat as established until Row 21 of chart has been completed, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  Work 4 sts, sl these sts onto holder, work to end – 5 sts. Dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row twice – 3 sts.  Work even until chart has been completed, end on WS.  Bind off.

Left Front:  With RS facing, sl 11 sts from holder to straight needle.  Join yarn and bind off 2 sts, work to end – 9 sts.  Complete to correspond to right front, reversing neck shaping.  Sew shoulder seams.


With RS facing, using dpn’s and MC, pick up and k15 sts around entire armhole.  Divide onto 3 needles.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Work even in St st (k EVERY rnd) for 1 1/2”, dec 1 st at end of last rnd – 14 sts. Work even in k1, p1 ribbing for 2 rnds.  Bind off.


Neckband:  With RS facing, sl 4 sts from right front holder to straight needles, join MC and pick up and k15 sts to left front holder, work 4 sts from left front holder in ribbing as established.  Beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as body for 3 rows.  Bind off in ribbing.  Lap right frontband over left frontband and sew on 3 buttons, sewing through both frontbands.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4285 Oceanic Mix (MC) and #4234 Cardinal (CC)

Straight knitting needles, size 5 (3.75 mm)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)


With straight needles, using MC, cast on 14 sts.  Knit 4 rows.  * Change to CC and knit 2 rows.  Change to MC and knit 4 rows.  Rep from * twice more.  Change to CC and knit 2 rows.  Change to MC.

Shape Sleeves:  Cast on 6 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 26 sts.  Knit 2 rows.  Change to CC and knit 2 rows. Change to MC and knit 4 rows.  Change to CC and knit 2 rows.  Bind off.


Work same as front.


Sew shoulder/top of sleeve seams leaving center 8 sts on front and back open for neck.

Cuffs:  With RS facing, using straight needles and CC, pick up and k13 sts along end of sleeve.  Knit 1 row.  Bind off.  Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook and CC, beg at left shoulder seam, work in sc around entire neck edge.  Join with a sl st in first sc.  Fasten off.  With crochet hook and CC, make a chain 5” long.  Fasten off.  Tie chain around center front of neckband as in photo.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4234 Cardinal (A) and #4245 Pitch Black (B)

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)

Note 1

When changing colors, hold yarn to the left and pick up new color from underneath.  This twists yarn so there are no holes.

Note 2

Body is worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge.


With straight needles, using A, cast on 6 sts; join B and cast on 6 sts – 12 sts.  Knit 2 rows with colors as established.  Work in St st, still using colors as established, until piece measures 2” from beg, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes.

Next Row (RS):  Reversing colors, k6 with A, then k6 with B.  Work even using colors as established until armholes measure 1”, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K3 with A, join another hank of B and bind off center 6 sts, k to end – 3 sts each side.  Purl 1 row using colors as established.

Following Row (RS):  K3 with A, cast on 3 sts; join B and cast on 3 sts, k to end – 12 sts.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st using colors as established until piece measures 1” above cast-on sts, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for end of armholes.

Next Row (RS):  Reversing colors, k6 with B, then k6 with A.  Work even using colors as established until piece measures 1 3/4” above color reversal, end on WS.  Knit 2 rows using colors as established.  Bind off.

Left Sleeve

With RS facing, using A, pick up and k13 sts along left armhole between markers.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st for 1 1/4”, end on WS.  Knit 2 rows.  Bind off.

Right Sleeve

With RS facing, using B, pick up and k13 sts along right armhole between markers.  Complete same as left sleeve.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook and B, beg at left shoulder, work in sc around entire neck edge.  Join with a sl st in first sc.  Fasten off.

Lower Edging:  Beg at side seam, work same as neck edging.  With crochet hook and A, make a chain 8” long.  Fasten off.  Tie chain in a bow and sew to center front as in photo.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4275 Pea Soup Mix (MC) and #4249 Fennel (CC)

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)

Note 1

Body is worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge.


With straight needles, using MC, cast on 11 sts.  Work even in Garter St for 2”, end on RS.  Change to CC and knit the next row on WS.  Continue to work in Garter St until piece measures 3” from beg, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K3, join another hank of CC and bind off center 5 sts, k to end – 3 sts each side.  Working both sides at once with separate hanks of yarn, purl 1 row.

Following Row (RS):  K3, cast on 5 sts over sts bound off previously for neck, drop 2nd hank of yarn and k to end – 11 sts.  Work even in Garter St until piece measures 1” above cast-on sts, end on RS.  Change to MC and knit the next row on WS.  Work even in Garter St for 2”, end on WS.  Bind off.


With RS facing, using straight needles and CC, pick up and k9 sts along CC section of body.  Work even in Garter St for 1 1/4”, end on RS.  Change to MC and k the next row on WS.  Knit 1 row, then bind off on WS.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook and MC, beg at left shoulder, work in sc around entire neck edge.  Join with a sl st in first sc.  Fasten off.


1 Hank Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4233 Rose Spice

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles, size 5 (3.75 mm)

Cable needle (cn)

2 St markers

Stitch Glossary


Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k2, then k2 from cn


Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k2, then k2 from cn

Cable Pattern (Worked over 12 sts)

Row 1 (RS):  CF4, k4, CB4.

Row 2 and all WS rows:  Purl.

Row 3:  K2, CF4, CB4, k2.

Row 5:  K4, CB4, k4.

Row 6:  Rep Row 2.

Rep these 6 rows for Cable Pat.


Body and sleeves are worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge.  Because of this, the Cable Pat will be upside down on the front and will appear reversed.


With straight needles, cast on 18 sts.

Set-Up Row (WS):  K1, p1, k1, place marker, p12, place marker, k1, p1, k1.

Establish Cable Pat:  Row 1 (RS):  K1, p1, k1, work Row 1 of Cable Pat to next marker, k1, p1, k1.

Row 2:  K1, p1, k1, work Row 2 of Cable Pat to next marker, k1, p1, k1.  Work even in pat as established until piece measures 2 1/2” from beg, end on WS.

Beg Sleeves:  Cast on 6 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 30 sts.  Working sts before and after markers in Seed St as established and sts between markers in Cable Pat, work even until sleeves measure 1”, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  Work 11 sts, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 8 sts, work to end.  Working both sides at once, using separate hanks of yarn, work 1 row even.

Following Row (RS):  Work 11 sts, cast on 8 sts over sts bound off for neck previously, drop 2nd hank of yarn and work to end.  Work even in pat as established until piece measures 1” above cast-on sts at neck, end on WS.

End Sleeves:  Bind off 6 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 18 sts.  Work even until piece measures 2 1/2” above end of sleeves, end on WS.  Bind off.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neckband:  With RS facing, using dpn’s, beg at left shoulder, pick up and k20 sts around entire neck edge.  Divide sts onto 3 needles.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Knit 3 rnds.

Next Rnd:  * K1, p1, rep from * around.

Following Rnd:  * P1, k1, rep from * around.  Bind off. 

Lower Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook, beg at side seam, work in sc around lower edge.  Join with a sl st in first sc.  Fasten off.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4233 Rose Spice (A) and #4201 Winter White (B)

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 5 (3.75 mm)

1 St marker

Note 1

When changing colors, hold yarn to the left and pick up new color from underneath.  This twists yarn so there are no holes.

Note 2

Body is worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge.


With straight needles, using A, cast on 13 sts.  Knit 3 rows, end on WS.  Working in St st, (work 2 rows B, 2 rows A) twice, end on WS.  Still working in St st, follow chart until Row 4 has been completed, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes.  Continue to follow chart until Row 10 has been completed, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K3, join another hank of A and bind off center 7 sts, k to end – 3 sts each side.  Working both sides at once with separate hanks of yarn, work 2 rows even, end on RS.

Following Row (WS):  With A, p3, cast on 7 sts over sts bound off previously for neck, drop 2nd hank of yarn and p to end – 13 sts.  Continue to follow chart until Row 20 has been completed, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for end of armholes.  Continue to follow chart until Row 24 has been completed, end on WS.  (Work 2 rows A, 2 rows B) twice, the knit 3 rows A.  Bind off.


With RS facing, using straight needles and A, pick up and k12 sts along armhole edge between markers.  Purl 1 row.  Working in St st, work 2 rows B, 2 rows A, then 2 rows B.  Knit 2 rows A.  Bind off.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neckband:  With RS facing, using dpn’s and A, beg at left shoulder, pick up and k20 sts around entire neck edge.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Knit 3 rnds.  Bind off.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4226 Pumpkin Puree (A) and #4275 Pea Soup Mix (B)

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)


Body and sleeves are worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge.


With straight needles, using B, cast on 1 st.  K in front and back of this st – 2 sts.  Inc 1 st at beg of the next 9 rows – 11 sts.  Work even in Garter St until piece measures 2” from beginning point, end on WS.  Change to A.

Beg Sleeves:  Using A, cast on 5 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 21 sts.  Work even until sleeves measure 1 1/2”, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K8, join another hank of A and bind off center 5 sts, k to end – 8 sts each side.  Working both sides at once with separate hanks of yarn, knit 1 row, end on WS.  Change to B and knit 1 row, end on RS.

Following Row (WS):  K8, cast on 5 sts over sts bound off previously for neck, drop 2nd hank of yarn and k to end – 21 sts.  Work even until sleeve measures 1 1/2” above cast-on sts, end on WS.

End Sleeves:  Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 11 sts.  Change to A and work even for 1”, end on WS.  Dec 1 st at beg of the next 10 rows, end on WS.  Fasten off last st.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook and A, beg at left shoulder, work in sc around entire neck edge.  Join with a sl st in first sc.  Fasten off.

Sleeve Edging:  Beg at sleeve seam, work same as neck edging.


1 Hank Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4283 Lavender Mix

Straight knitting needles, size 5 (3.75 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)

One 3/8” button

2 St holders


Body is worked in one piece to underarm then split for back and fronts.

Stitch Glossary


In next st, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1 (5 sts made in 1)


With straight needles, cast on 33 sts.

Row 1 (WS):  K2, p29, k2.

Row 2:  Knit.

Row 3:  Rep Row 1.

Row 4:  K2, p5, (M4, p5) 4 times, k2 – 49 sts.

Rows 5 and 7:  K7, (p5, k5) 4 times, k2.

Row 6:  K2, p5, (k5, p5) 4 times, k2.

Row 8:  K2, p5, (SSK, k1, k2 tog, p5) 4 times, k2 – 41 sts.

Row 9:  K7, (p3, k5) 4 times, k2.

Row 10:  K2, p5, (sl 2 sts tog, k1, psso, p5) 4 times, k2 – 33 sts.

Row 11:  K7, (p1, k5) 4 times, k2.

Row 12:  K2, p4, (sl 2 sts tog, k1, psso, p3) 4 times, k2 – 25 sts.

Row 13:  K6, (p1, k3) 4 times, k3.

Row 14:  K2, p4, (k1, p3) 4 times, p1, k2.  Rep Rows 13 and 14 until piece measures 2 3/4” from beg, end on WS.

Divide For Back and Fronts:  Next Row (RS):  Work 6 sts, SSK, sl these 7 sts onto holder for right front; work 11 sts for back, sl remaining 8 sts onto holder for left front.  Work even un 11 sts of back until piece measures 4” from beg, end on WS.  Bind off.

Right Front:  With WS facing, sl 7 sts from first holder to straight needle.  Beg with a WS row, work even until piece measures 3 1/2” from beg, end on WS.  Bind off 2 sts at beg of the next row for neck, then dec 1 st at same edge every RS row once – 4 sts.  Work even until piece measures 4” from beg, end on WS.  Bind off.

Left Front:  With RS facing, sl 8 sts from 2nd holder to straight needle.  Join yarn, k2 tog, work to end – 7 sts.  Complete to correspond to right front, working neck shaping at beg of WS rows.  Sew shoulder seams.


With RS facing, using dpn’s, beg at lower edge of armhole, pick up and k16 sts around entire armhole edge.  Divide sts onto 3 needles.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.

Rnd 1:  * P3, k1, rep from * around.  Rep this rnd until sleeve measures 1 1/4”.  Work even in k1, p1 ribbing for 2 rnds.  Bind off.

Tie:  With dpn’s, cast on 3 sts and work I-Cord as follows:

Row 1 (RS):  * K3, do not turn work.  Slide sts to beg of needle to work next row from RS.  Rep from * until cord measures 8”.  Fasten off.  Beg and end 2 sts in from front edges, weave tie in and out of body  1/2” below armholes.


Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook, join yarn at right front edge, work in sc around entire neck edge to left front edge.  Fasten off.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4240 Blue Violet (MC) and #4281 Redwood Mix (CC)

Straight knitting needles, size 5 (3.75 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles, size 5 (3.75 mm)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)

1 St holder


Body is knit in one piece in the round to armholes.


With dpn’s, using MC, cast on 24 sts.  Divide sts evenly onto 3 needles and join, being careful not to twist sts.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Work even in St st (k EVERY rnd) for 2”.

Divide for Armholes:  Back:  Bind off 2 sts, k10 and sl these sts onto holder for front; with straight needle, bind off 2 sts, k10 – 10 sts.  Beg with a p row, work back and forth in St st for 1 1/2”, end on WS.  Bind off.

Front:  With WS facing, sl 10 sts from holder to straight needle.  Join MC and complete same as back.  Sew shoulder seams, leaving 6 sts on back and front unsewn at center for neck.


With RS facing, using dpn’s and CC, beg at bound-off sts, pick up and k16 sts around entire armhole edge.  Divide sts onto 3 dpn’s.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Work in St st (k EVERY rnd) for 1 1/4”.  Work in k1, p1 ribbing for 4 rnds.  Bind off in ribbing.


Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook and CC, beg at left shoulder seam, work in sc around neck edge.  Join with a sl st in first sc.  Fasten off.

Lower Edging:  Beg at side seam, work same as neck edging.

Tie:  With dpn’s, using CC, cast on 3 sts and work I-Cord as follows:

Row 1:  * k3, do not turn work.  Slide sts to beg of needle to work next row from RS.  Rep from * until cord measures 10” from beg.  Fasten off.  Beg and end at center front, weave I-Cord in and out around waist of sweater.  Tie as in photo.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4275 Pea Soup Mix (MC) and #4249 Fennel (A).  Small amount #4245 Pitch Black (B)

Straight knitting needles, sizes 4 (3.50 mm) and 6 (4.00 mm)

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)

Tapestry needle


Body is worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge


With smaller needles, using A, cast on 13 sts.

Ribbing:  Row 1 (RS):  K1, * p1, k1, rep from * across.

Row 2:  P1, * k1, p1, rep from * across.  Rep Row 1 once more, end on RS.  Change to larger needles and MC.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st until piece measures 2” from beg, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes.  Work even until armholes measure 1”, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K3, join another hank of MC and bind off center 7 sts, k to end – 3 sts each side.  Working both sides at once with separate hanks of yarn, purl 1 row.

Following Row (RS):  K3, cast on 7 sts over sts bound off previously for neck, drop 2nd hank of yarn and k to end – 13 sts.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st until piece measures 1” above cast-on sts, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for end of armholes.  Work even until piece measures 1 3/4” from markers, end on RS.  Change to smaller needles and A and , beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as at beg for 3 rows.  Bind off in ribbing.


With RS facing, using larger needles and MC, pick up and k14 sts between markers.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st for 1 1/4”, end on WS.  Change to smaller needles and A and, beg with Row 2, work in Ribbing same as body for 3 rows.  Bind off in ribbing.


Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using crochet hook and A, beg a left shoulder, work in sc around entire neck edge, join with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off.  Using tapestry needle and A, make daisies as in photo using 4 lazy daisy sts for each flower.  Using tapestry needle and B, make 1 French knot in center of each daisy.  Sew side and sleeve seams.


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light (50 grs), #4201 Winter White (MC) and #4234 Cardinal (CC)

Straight knitting needles, size 6 (4.00 mm)

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 5 (3.75 mm)

Optional:  1 heart-shaped button or pendant


Body is worked in one piece from lower back edge to lower front edge


With straight needles, using CC, cast on 13 sts.  Knit 3 rows, end on WS.  Change to MC and work even in St st until piece measures 2 1/4”, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes.  Work even until armholes measure 1”, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K3, join another hank of MC and bind off center 7 sts, k to end – 3 sts each side.  Working both sides at once with separate hanks of yarn, purl 1 row.

Following Row (RS):  K3, cast on 7 sts over sts bound off previously for neck, drop 2nd hank of yarn and k to end – 13 sts.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st until piece measures 1” above cast-on edge of neck, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for end of armholes.  Work even until piece measures 2” above markers, end on WS.  Change to CC and knit 3 rows.  Bind off.


With RS facing, using straight needles and MC, pick up and k12 sts between markers.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st for 1”, end on WS.  Change to CC and knit 3 rows.  Bind off.


Sew side and sleeve seams.

Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using dpn’s and CC, beg at left shoulder, pick up and k17 sts around entire neck edge. Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Purl 3 rnds.  Bind off.  Sew optional heart-shaped button or pendant to center front neck just below neck edging.

  • Yarns Used:Berroco Ultra® Alpaca Light
  • Designer:Melba Clapp
  • Skill Level:Easy
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Holiday
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