


A short sleeve summer top with 3/4 circle neckline insert and matching high waisted lace insert. Variation of Aramis and Athos.





to fit bust 30(34-38-42-46-50)”

eleanor is wearing size to fit bust 30 – she’s 5’2” and a size 2


Finished measurements

bust – 30(34-38-42-46-50)”

length – 21(21-22-23-24-25)”



Berroco Cotton Twist™ color 8387 – 7(9-10-11-13-14), 50 gr hanks



Cuff: With larger needles, cast on 9 sts.  Row 1  - p2, k1, p1, yo, p2 tog, yo, p2 tog, p1.  Rep this row for 11(12-13-14-15-16)”.  Bind off.  With larger needles, pick up and k52(58-62-66-72-76) sts along one long edge of cuff.  Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in St st, end on WS.  Shape cap (rs) – bind off 3(4-5-6-8-9) sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 42(50-52-54-56-58) sts. Dec 1 st each side every 4th row 1(0-0-2-3-4) times, then every rs row 12(14-14-10-8-6) times, end on ws.  Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows.  Bind off remaining 12(14-16-22-26-30) sts.

Note:  Sleeve in schematic should have the same cap as the sleeve for Aramis.  Instead of tapering down for 6” as on that sleeve, Porthos sleeve should be straight and show a cuff of 2” with 1” St st above that before cap shaping.

  • Yarns Used:Cotton Twist
  • Designer:Norah Gaughan
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Women's Clothing
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