


Our brightly striped baby cardigan Parker knits up quickly and features a great K1, P1 cast on.

Shown in size 6 mos


Directions are for infant’s size 6 mos.  Changes for sizes 9 mos, 12 mos and 18 mos are in parentheses

Finished Measurements

Chest (closed) – 18(20-22-24)

Length – 10(11-12-13)”


1 Hank each Berroco Weekend Chunky (100 grs), #6948 Nectarine (A), #6956 Swimming Hole (B) and #6941 Seaglass (C)

29” Length circular knitting needle, size 10½ (6.50 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

Straight knitting needles, size 10½  (6.50 mm)

2 St holders

Five 1” buttons


13 sts = 4”; 18 rows = 4” in St st

18 sts = 4”; 16 rows = 4” in Striped Chevron Pat



Body of this garment is worked in one piece to underarms, then divided for armholes.  When decreasing over Striped Chevron Pat, if there are not enough  sts in a section to work BOTH  the V-dec and the yo on each side of it, work the extra sts in St st

Stitch Glossary

V-dec (Vertical double dec)

Sl 2 sts together as if knitting 2 tog, k1, pass 2 sl sts over k1 – 1 st remains

Striped Chevron Pat (Multiple of 8 sts + 1)

Row 1 (RS):  With B, * k1, yo, k2, V-dec, k2, yo, rep from * to last st, end k1.

Row 2:  With B, purl.

Row 3:  With C, * k1, yo, k2, V-dec, k2, yo, rep from * to last st, end k1.

Row 4:  With C, purl.

Rep these 4 rows for Striped Chevron Pat


With circular needle, using A, cast on 75(83-91-99) sts.

Ribbing:  Row 1 (RS):  K1, * p1, k1, rep from * across.

Row 2:  P1, * k1, p1, rep from * across.  Rep these 2 rows until piece measures 2” from beg, end on WS.  Change to B and work in Striped Chevron Pat, keeping 1 st each side in St st.  When piece measures 6½(7-7½-8)” from beg, end on WS.

Divide for Armholes:  Next Row (RS):  With straight needles, working in Striped Chevron Pat, work 15(17-19-21) sts, leave remaining 60(66-72-78) sts on circular needle for back and left front.

Right Front:  Purl 1 row.  Work even in pat as established until armhole measures 2½(3-3½-4)”, end on WS.

Shape Neck:  Bind off 4 sts at front edge once, then 3(2-3-3) sts once.  Work even on 8(11-12-14) sts until armhole measures 4(4½-5-5½)”, end on WS.  Bind off.

Back:  With RS facing, join yarn in first st on circular needle.  Using straight needle, bind off 4 sts, work until there are 37(41-45-49) sts on needle, leave remaining 19(21-23-25) sts on circular needle for left front.  Work even in pat as established until armholes measure 4(4½-5-5½)”, end on WS.  Bind off.

Left Front:  With RS facing, join yarn in first st on circular needle.  Using straight needle, bind off 4 sts, work to end – 15(17-19-21) sts.  Complete to correspond to right front, reversing neck shaping by binding off at beg of WS rows.


With straight needles, using A, cast on 19(19-23-23) sts.  Work in ribbing same as back for 2”, end on WS.  Change to B.

Pattern Stitch:  Row 1 (RS):  With B, k6(6-8-8), place marker, yo, k2, V-dec, k2, yo, place marker, k to end.

Row 2:  With B, purl.

Row 3: With C, k6(6-8-8), yo, k2, V-dec, k2, yo, k to end.

Row 4:  With C, purl.  Work in pat as established until sleeve measures 3” from beg, end on WS.

Inc Row (RS):  K1, M1k, work to last st, M1k, k1 – 21(21-25-25) sts.  Rep this inc every  1(1-1¼-1¼)” 4(5-5-6) times more – 29(31-35-37) sts.  Work even until sleeve measures 7½(8-8½-9)”, end on WS.  Bind off.


Sew shoulder and sleeve seams.  Sew in sleeves.

Neckband:  With RS facing, using straight needles and A,  beg at right front edge, pick up and k12(12-13-13) sts along right front neck edge, 15(15-17-17) sts across back neck edge, then 12(12-13-13) sts along left front neck edge – 39(39-43-43) sts.  Beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as back for 1”, end on WS.  Bind off in ribbing.

Left Frontband:  With RS facing, using straight needles and A, beg at top of neckband on left front, pick up and k31(35-39-43) sts along left front edge.  Beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as back for 1”, end on WS.  Bind off in ribbing.

Right Frontband:  With RS facing, using straight needles and A, beg at lower right front edge, pick up and k31(35-39-43) sts along right front edge to top of neck band.  Beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as back for ½", end on WS.

Buttonhole Row (RS):  Work 3 sts, yo, k2 tog, * work 4(5-6-7) sts, yo, k2 tog, rep from * 3 times more, work to end.  Complete same as right frontband.  Sew on buttons. 

  • Yarns Used:Berroco Weekend® Chunky
  • Designer:Amanda Keep Williams
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Baby/Children
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