North Woods
North Woods
A chunky aran is just the thing for a bear's outing in the snowy woods. You'll find the Barrison Bear pattern here.
North Woods
Skill level: Intermediate
One size
Finished Measurements
Approximately 6” wide x 5” long (Not including turtleneck)
1 Hank Berroco Vintage Chunky (100 grs), #61103 Clary
Straight knitting needles, size 10 (6.00 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 10 (6.00 mm)
Cable needle
2 St markers
14 sts = 4”; 21 rows = 4” in St st
Note: If your gauge is correct in St st, your garment should measure correctly.
Stitch Glossary
Sl 1 st to cn and hold in BACK, k1, k1 from cn
Sl 1 st to cn and hold in FRONT, k1, k1 from cn
Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k2, k2 from cn
Sl 1 st to cn and hold in BACK, k2, p1 from cn
Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, p1, k2 from cn
MOSS STITCH (even number of stitches)
Rows 1 and 2: * K1, p1, rep from * across
Rows 3 and 4: * P1, k1, rep from * across.
Rep these 4 rows for Moss St.
CABLE PATTERN (Worked over 20 sts)
Row 1 (WS): k1, (p4, k3) twice, p4, k1.
Row 2: P1, RT2, LT2, p3, CB4, p3, RT2, LT2, p1.
Row 3: Rep Row 1.
Row 4: P1, RT2, LT2, p2, CB3, CF3, p2, RT2, LT2, p1.
Row 5: K1, p4, k2, p2, k1, p3, k2, p4, k1.
Row 6: P1, RT2, LT2, p1, CB3, p1, k1, CF3, p1, RT2, LT2, p1.
Row 7: K1, p4, k1, p3, k1, p1, k1, p2, k1, p4, k1.
Row 8: P1, RT2, LT2, p1, k3, p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, RT2, LT2, p1.
Row 9: Rep Row 7.
Row 10: P1, RT2, LT2, p1, CF3, p1, k1, CB3, p1, RT2, LT2, p1.
Row 11: K1, p4, k2, p2, k1, p3, k2, p4, k1.
Row 12: K1, RT2, LT2, p2, CF3, CB3, p2, RT2, LT2, k1.
Rep these 12 rows for Cable Pat.
Body of this garment is worked in one piece from front edge to back edge. Sleeves are then picked up and worked down.
Front: With straight needles, cast on 32 sts.
Set-Up Row (RS): K6, place marker, p1, k4, (p3, k4) twice, p1, place marker, k6.
Establish Pat Sts: Row 1 (WS): Work Row 1 of Moss St to first marker, work Row 1 of Cable Pat to last marker, work Row 1 of Moss St to end.
Row 2: Work Row 2 of Moss St to first marker, work Row 2 of Cable Pat to last marker, work Row 2 of Moss St to end. Work even in pats as established until piece measures approximately 2” from beg, end on WS. Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes.
Shape Armholes: Dec 1 st each side EVERY row 5 times – 22 sts. Mark beg and end of last row for end of armhole shaping. Work even until piece measures approximately 4½” from beg, end on Row 11 of Cable Pat.
Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): Work 1, sl marker, p1, RT2, LT2, p2, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 6 sts, p1, RT2, LT2, p1, sl marker, work 1 – 8 sts each side. Dec 1 st each neck edge every RS row once more, end on WS. Mark beg and end of last row for shoulders.
Back: Next Row (RS): Work in pat as established over 7 sts, cast on 8 sts for back neck edge, the work in pat as established over remaining 7 sts – 22 sts. Work even in pat as established until piece measures same distance from shoulder markers as from shoulder markers to end-of-armhole markers, end on RS. Remove end-of-armhole markers.
Shape Armholes: Inc 1 st each side EVERY row 5 times, working incs into Moss St – 32 sts. Mark beg and end of last row for end of armhole shaping. Work even in pats as established until piece measures same distance from shoulder markers as from shoulder markers to cast-on edge of front, end on WS. Bind off.
With RS facing, using straight needles, pick up and k26 sts around entire armhole edge between markers.
Row 1 (WS): P2, * k2, p2, rep from * across.
Row 2: K2, * p2, k2, rep from * across. Rep these 2 rows until sleeve measures 2”, end on WS. Bind off in ribbing.
Sew sleeve and side seams, reversing seams over lower 1” of sleeves.
Turtleneck: With RS facing, using dpn’s, beg at center back neck, pick up and k36 sts around entire neck edge. Divide sts onto 3 needles. Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up. Work even in k2, p2 ribbing for 2½”. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Fold sleeves in half to RS.
- Yarns Used:Vintage® Chunky
- Designer:Norah Gaughan
- Skill Level:Intermediate
- Craft:Knit
- Project Type:Toys