Celestine Sox

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Celestine Sox
Celestine Sox

Celestine Sox

A dodecahedron in Sox, inspired by our Ultra® Alpaca Light version, Celestine.

One size


Approximately 7 1/2” across from point to point


1 Ball Berroco Sox (50 grs), #1427 Lancaster

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles, size 2 (2.50 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

1 St marker

Tapestry needle

1 Bag Polyester stuffing


30 sts = 4”; 40 rows = 4” in St st



Star consists of 12 points. Each point is made separately, but are joined tog as you work.


1st Point: With dpn’s, cast on 55 sts. Divide sts as evenly as possible on 3 dpn’s and join, being careful not to twist sts. Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up. Knit 4 rnds.

Dec Rnd: * K2 tog, k7, SSK, rep from * 4 times more – 45 sts. Knit 4 rnds. Continue to dec 10 sts in this manner, having 2 less sts between decs each time, on the next rnd, then every 5th rnd twice more – 15 sts.

Next Rnd: * Sl 2, k1, pass 2 slipped sts over k1, rep from * 4 times more – 5 sts. Break off yarn leaving a 10” long end. Thread end into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needle. Pull up tightly and secure. Fasten off.

2nd Point: With dpn’s, cast on 44 sts, pick up and k11 sts along one side of 1st Point – 55 sts. Complete same as 1st Point.

3rd Point: With dpn’s, cast on 33 sts, pick up and k11 sts along left side of 2nd Point, then 11 sts along next side of 1st Point – 55 sts. Complete same as 1st Point.

4th and 5th Points: Work same as 3rd Point, turning 1st Point each time so that you are picking up sts along the left side of the point you just made and the next side of 1st Point.

6th Point: With dpn’s, cast on 22 sts, pick up and k11 sts along left side of 5th Point, 11 sts along final side of 1st Point, then 11 sts along right side of 2nd Point – 55 sts. Complete same as 1st Point. You should now have one central point (1st Point) with 5 points surrounding it. In this manner, make another round of 5 points. For the 1st of these points you will cast on 33 sts, then pick up and k11 sts along the sides of 2 points of the previous rnd. For the next 3 points you will cast on 22 sts, pick up and k11 sts along the left side of the point you just made, then pick up and k11 sts along the sides of the next 2 points of the previous rnd. For the last point of this rnd you will cast on 11 sts, pick up and k11 sts along the side of the point you just made, pick up and k11 sts along the sides of the last 2 points of the previous rnd, then pick up and k11 sts along the first point of this rnd. You should now have the star completed except for the last point. Stuff star firmly with Polyester stuffing.

Last Point: Pick up and k11 sts along the side of each point of the previous rnd – 55 sts. Work same as 1st Point up to Next Rnd – 15 sts. Stuff this point firmly. Complete same as 1st Point, stuffing the end before you pull up the final 5 sts and fasten off.

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  • Yarns Used:Berroco Sox®
  • Designer:Berroco Design Team
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Holiday
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