Yo Yo Tote

Yo Yo Tote
Yo Yo Tote

Yo Yo Tote

A deceptively simple openwork yo-yo adorns this fun mini tote. The yo-yo insert is borrowed from Parasola in Norah Gaughan vol 6.

One size

Finished Measurements

Approximately 12½ wide x 8” high x 5” deep (Not including handles)


3 Hanks Berroco Weekend (100 grs), #5946 Phlox

Straight knitting needles, size 7 (4.50 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 6 (4.00 mm)

1 St marker

Tapestry needle

1 Pair 12” sewn round rein handles #RR12 from Homestead Heirlooms

One 8” dowel and finial set from Homestead Heirlooms


18 sts = 4”;  26 rows = 4” in St st on larger needles



Lining and outer sections of bag are worked all in one piece, starting and ending at center bottom seam of lining.

Open Circle

Row 1 (RS):  K to marker, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 9 sts, k to end.  Working both sides at once, bind off 3 sts at each circle edge 3 times.  Work 3 rows even.  Cast on 3 sts at each circle edge 3 times, end on RS.

Next Row (WS):  Purl, cast on 9 sts over sts bound off on Row 1.


Front Lining:  With straight needles, cast on 57 sts.  Work even in St st for 2½”, end on WS.  Purl 2 rows (Garter ridge).  Cast on 11 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 79 sts.  Work even in St st for 2 rows.

* Dec Row (RS):  K1, k2 tog, k to last 3 sts, SSK, k1 – 77 sts.  Purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row.  Rep Dec Row once more.  Purl 1 row. * Rep between *’s twice more, end on WS – 67 sts.  Rep Dec Row every RS row 5 times more 57 sts.  Work even until piece measures 9½” from beg, end on WS.  Purl 2 rows (Garter Ridge – this is the top edge of bag and end of front lining).

Front:  Work even until piece measures 10½” from beg, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row.  Work even until piece measures 11½” from beg, end on WS.  Purl 2 rows (Garter Ridge).  Work even in St st until piece measures 2” above markers, end on WS.

Note:  Please read through this entire section before starting to knit.

Inc Row (RS):  K1, M1k, k to last st, M1k, k1 – 59 sts.  Rep this inc every RS row 4 times more, end on WS – 67 sts.  ** Work dec row, purl 1 row.  Work dec row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row ** - 71 sts.  Rep from ** twice more – 79 sts.  AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 4” above markers, end on WS.  Mark center 9 sts.  Continuing to work incs as before, work Open Circle.  When Open Circle and all incs have been completed, work even on 79 sts until piece measures 8” above markers, end on WS.  Bind off 11 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 57 sts.  Work even until piece measures 2½” above bound-off sts, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row – this is the center bottom of bag.

Back:  Work same as front, working lining at end and omitting Open Circle.  When lining measures 13½” above markers, end on WS – 57 sts.

Next Row (RS):  K4, bind off 49 sts, k to end.

Following Row:  P4, cast on 49 sts, p to end.  Complete same as front and front lining.  Bind off.


Yo Yo:  With RS facing, using dpn’s, beg at lower edge of Open Circle, pick up and k96 sts around entire edge of Open Circle.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Purl 1 rnd.

Rnd 2:  * Yo, p2 tog, rep from * around.  Rep this rnd until yo yo measures 3” from beg.

Dec Rnd:  * P2 tog, rep from * around – 48 sts.  Bind off purlwise.  Break off yarn leaving an 8” long end.  Thread end into tapestry needle and thread end through every other st of bind-off.  Pull up tightly and secure.  Fold lining to inside along Garter Ridges at top edges of bag.  Sew cast-on and bound-off edges of lining together.  Sew side seams of lining.  Sew side seams of bag, leaving 2” below top Garter Ridges open.  Sew across back and front of bag working through double thickness of bag and lining along Garter Ridge 2” below top edge (this forms casing for dowels).  Insert one dowel through each 2” opening and casing on back and front, gathering top of bag.  Slide loops on handles over dowels, then glue finials in place at each end.

  • Yarns Used:Berroco Weekend®
  • Designer:Norah Gaughan
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Bags
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