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Sweeping lengths of fabric are gathered and buttoned at each side of this dramatic cardigan. Touraine has dolman sleeves and is knit in an unusual but logical manner.


Directions are for women’s size X-Small. Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large, 1X and 2X are in parentheses.

Finished Measurements

Bust (closed) – 30(34-38-42-46-50)” Length – 25½(25½-26½-27-27½-28)”


9(9-11-12-13-14) Hanks Berroco Pure Pima (50 grs), #2253 Lilac

29” Length circular knitting needles, sizes 4 (3.50 mm) and 6 (4.00 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

Straight knitting needles, size 4 (3.50 mm) Crochet hook, size 3.50 mm (E-4)

2 St holders

Two 1” buttons


22 sts = 4”; 26 rows = 4” in St st on size 6 (4.00 mm) needles

19 sts = 2¼” in k1TBL, p1TBL ribbing on size 4 (3.50 mm) needles

24 sts = 4”; 32 rows = 4” in Pat St on size 4 (3.50 mm) needles


Pattern Stitch (Multiple of 6 sts)

Row 1 (RS): * P4, yo, p2 tog, rep from * across.

Rows 2, 4 and 6: K1, * p1, k5, rep from * to last 5 sts, end p1, k4.

Rows 3 and 5: P4, * k1, p5, rep from * to last 2 sts, end k1, p1.

Row 7: P1, * yo, p2 tog, p4, rep from * to last 5 sts, end yo, p2 tog, p3.

Rows 8, 10 and 12: K4, * p1, k5, rep from * to last 2 sts, end p1, k1.

Rows 9 and 11: P1, * k1, p5, rep from * to last 5 sts, end k1, p4.

Rep these 12 rows for Pat St.

Lower Back Section

With smaller circular needle, cast on 119(125- 135-145-151-161) sts.

Ribbing: Row 1 (RS): K1, * p1, k1, rep from * across.

Row 2: P1, * k1, p1, rep from * across. Rep Row 1 once more, end on RS. Change to larger cir- cular needle and p the next row, dec 21(21-23- 25-25-27) sts across – 98(104-112-120-126-134) sts. Work even in St st until piece measures 12(12-12½-12½-13-13)” from beg, end on WS. Dec Row (RS): Knit, dec 40(38-38-40-38-38) sts across – 58(66-74-80-88-96) sts. Purl 1 row. Bind off.

Lower Left Section

Work same as back section until piece measures 12(12-12½-12½-13-13)” from beg, end on WS – 98(104-112-120-126-134) sts.

Dec Row (RS): K to last 5 sts, decreasing 34(32- 34-34-32-34) sts across, k to end – 64(72-78-86- 94-100) sts. Purl 1 row. Bind off.

Lower Right Section

Work same as lower left section until piece measures 12(12-12½-12½-13-13)” from beg, end on WS – 98(104-112-120-126-134) sts.

Dec Row (RS): K5, k to end, decreasing 34(32- 34-34-32-34) sts across – 64(72-78-86-94-100) sts. Purl 1 row. Bind off.


With straight needles, cast on 19 sts. Row 1 (RS): K1TBL, * p1TBL, k1TBL, rep from< * across.

Row 2: P1TBL, * k1TBL, p1TBL, rep from * across. Rep these 2 rows until piece measures 32(36-40-44-48-52)” from beg, end on WS. Bind off in ribbing.

Upper Section

With RS facing, using smaller circular needle, pick up and k192(216-240-264-288-312) sts along one long edge of waistband. Knit 1 row, then work even in Pat St until piece measures 2” above waistband, end on WS. Divide for Back and Fronts: Next Row (RS): Work 51(57-63-69-75-81) sts for right front, sl the next 90(102-114-126-138-150) sts to holder for back, then sl remaining 51(57-63-69-75- 81) sts to second holder for left front. Work 1 row even.

Shape Neck and Armhole: Dec/Inc row (RS): P1, p2 tog, work to last 2 sts, M1p, p1 – 51(57- 63-69-75-81) sts. Working in this manner, continue to dec 1 st at beg of RS rows (neck edge) every RS row 17 times more, then every 4th row 6 times. AT THE SAME TIME, inc 1 st at end of RS rows (armhole edge), working incs in pat as sts become available, every 6th row 3(3-1-0-0-0) times, every 8th row 5(5-7-7-7-5) times, then every 10th row 0(0-0-1-1-3). When armhole measures 7½(7½-8-8½-8½-9)”, end on WS.

Shape Shoulder: Continuing to work neck decs if necessary, bind off 6(7-8-9-10-11) sts at beg of the next 6 WS rows.

Back: With RS facing, sl 90(102-114-126-138- 150) sts from back holder onto smaller circular needle. Join yarn.

Shape Armholes: Inc Row (RS): P1, M1p, work to last st, M1p, p1 – 92(104-116-128-140-152) sts. Rep this inc every 6th row 3(3-1-0-0-0) times, every 8th row 5(5-7-7-7-5) times, then every 10th row 0(0-0-1-1-3) times, working incs in pat st as sts become available – 108(120-132-144-156- 168) sts. When armholes measure 7½(7½-8-8½- 8½-9)”, end on WS. Bind off 6(7-8-9-10-11) sts at beg of the next 12 rows for shoulders. Bind off remaining 36 sts for back neck.

Left Front: With RS facing, sl remaining 51(57- 63-69-75-81) sts from second holder to smaller circular needle. Join yarn and work to correspond to right front, reversing all shaping. Work incs at beg of RS rows for armholes and decs at end of RS rows for neck. Bind off for shoulder at beg of RS rows.


Sew shoulder seams.

Neck Edging: With RS facing, using crochet hook, join yarn at top of waistband on right > front, work in sc around entire neck edge to top of waistband on left front. DO NOT turn. Work from left to right in Reverse sc around entire neck edge to top of waistband on right front. Fasten off.

Armhole Edging: Beg at underarm, work same as neck edging. Sew side edges of left and right lower sections to each side of back lower section, gathering lower 4” of each side seam by 2”. Fold outer edge of left and right lower sections 1” under to WS and sew in place at top edge. Sew bound-off edge of entire lower section to lower edge of waistband. Sew one button to left side seam on RS 4” up from bottom. Sew second button to right side seam on WS 4” up from bottom.

Buttonloops: With RS facing, using crochet hook, join yarn at lower left front corner of lower section. Make a chain 1¼” long. Join with a sl st in same st as joining. Fasten off. Repeat on lower right front corner of lower section. Lap right front over left front and button.

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  • Yarns Used:Berroco Pure Pima
  • Designer:Berroco Design Team
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Women's Clothing
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