


A feminine and warm weather take on the traditional fisherman's gansey, Pern features easy slipped stitch rib, garter details, and a generous hem.

Shown in size Small


Directions are for women's size X-Small.  Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large, 1X and 2X are in parentheses

Finished Measurements

Bust - 32(36-40-44-48-52)"

Length - 24(24-25-25-26-26½)" with lower edge turned up


9(10-12-13-15-16) Hanks Berroco Captiva (50 grs), #5510 Pale Amethyst

Straight knitting needles, size 8 (5.00 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

16" Length circular knitting needle, size 8 (5.00 mm)

2 St markers


18 sts = 4"; 25 rows = 4" in St st

22 sts = 4"; 25 rows = 4" in Slip Rib Pat


Slip Rib Pattern (Multiple of 5 sts + 2)

Row 1 (RS):  * P2, k1, sl 1, k1, rep from * across, end p2.

Row 2:  Purl.

Rep these 2 rows for Sl Rib Pat


With straight needles, cast on 72(82-90-100-108-118) sts.  Work even in St st for 4", end on RS.  Knit 1 row on WS for turning ridge.  Work even in St st until piece measures 8" from beg, end on RS.

Inc Row (WS):  P14(18-23-27-32-36), place marker, p44(46-44-46-44-46), increasing 13(11-13-11-13-11) sts as evenly spaced across as possible, place marker, p to end - 85(93-103-111-121-129) sts.

Establish Pat St:  Row 1 (RS):  K to first marker, work Row 1 of Sl St Rib Pat to last marker, k to end.

Row 2:  P to first marker, work Row 2 of Sl Rib Pat to last marker, p to end.  Work even in pat as established until piece measures 19(19-19½-19½-20-20)" from beg, end on WS.  Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes.  Work even until armholes measure 4(4-4½-4½-5-5½)", end on RS.

Dec Row (WS):  P to first marker, drop marker, p to last marker, dec 13(11-13-11-13-11) sts as evenly spaced across as possible, drop marker, p to end - 72(82-90-100-108-118) sts.  Work even in Garter St until armholes measure 8(8-8½-8½-9-9½)", end on WS.  Mark center 28 sts on last row.

Shape Shoulders and Neck:  Next Row (RS):  Bind off 5(6-8-9-11-12), k to first marker, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 28 sts, k to end.  Working both sides at once, bind off 5(6-8-9-11-12) sts at beg of the next row, then 4(6-7-9-10-12) sts at beg of the next 4 rows.  AT THE SAME TIME, bind off 5 sts at each neck edge once, then 4 sts once.


Work same as back until armholes measure5(5-5½-5½-6-6½)", end on WS - 72(82-90-100-108-118) sts.  Mark center 18 sts on last row.

Shape Neck:  Next Row (RS):  K to first marker, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 18 sts, k to end.  Working both sides at once, bind off 2 sts at each neck edge twice, then dec 1 st at each neck edge every RS row 10 times.  When all decs have been completed, work even on 13(18-22-27-31-36) sts each side if necessary until armholes measure 8(8-8½-8½-9-9½)", end on WS.  Shape shoulders same as back.


With straight needles, cast on 87(87-92-92-97-102) sts.  Work even in Sl Rib Pat for 5", end on RS.

Dec Row (WS):  Purl, dec 15(15-16-16-17-17) sts as evenly spaced across as possible - 72(72-76-76-80-85) sts.  Work even in Garter St until sleeve measures 7" from beg, end on WS.  Bind off.


Sew shoulder seams.

Neck Edging:  With RS facing, using circular needle, beg at left shoulder seam, pick up and k123 sts around entire neck edge.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Knit 2 rnd.  Bind off knitwise.  Sew in sleeves between markers.  Sew side and sleeve seams.  Fold lower edge to WS along turning ridge and sew in place.

  • Yarns Used:Berroco Captiva®
  • Designer:Norah Gaughan
  • Skill Level:Easy
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Women's Clothing
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