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In Metallic FX. A fingertip length cardigan with diagonal eyelet stripes.

Shown in size Medium.


Directions are for women’s size X Small/Small. Changes for sizes Medium and Large/X Large are in parentheses.

Finished Measurements

Bust (buttoned) – 39(46-53)”.

Length – 31(32-321/2)”.


Berroco Metallic FX (25 grs) 21(23-25) hanks #1001 Gold.

Straight knitting needles, sizes 6 and 8 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE.

Three 3/4” buttons.


32 sts = 5 1/2"; 22 rows = 3" in right diagonal pat with size 8 needles.


Stitch Glossary

SK2P – Sl 1, k2tog, psso.

Right Diagonal Pat (worked over a multiple of 10 sts plus 4)

Row 1 and all WS rows: Purl.

Row 2: K2, *k6, (k2tog, yo) twice; rep from *, end k2.

Row 4: k1, *k6, (k2tog, yo) twice; rep from *, end k3.

Row 6: K6, *(k2tog, yo) twice, k6; rep from *, end last rep k4.

Row 8: K5, *(k2tog, yo) twice, k6; rep from *, end last rep k5.

Row 10: K4, *(k2tog, yo) twice, k6; rep from * to end.

Row 12: K3, *(k2tog, yo) twice, k6, rep from *, end k1.

Row 14: K2, *(k2tog, yo) twice, k6; rep from *, end k2.

Row 16: K1, *(K2tog, yo) twice, k6; rep from *, end k3.

Row 18: K2, k2tog, yo, *k6, (k2tog, yo) twice; rep from *, end k6, k2tog, yo, k2.

Row 20: K1, k2tog, yo, *k6, (k2tog, yo) twice; rep from *, end k6, k2tog, yo, k3.

Rep rows 1- 20 for right diagonal pat.


With larger needles, cast on 114(134-154) sts. Work in right diagonal pat for 221/2(23-23)”, end on WS.

Shape Armholes: Next Row (RS): K2, k3tog, work to last 5 sts, SK2P, k2. P 1 row. Rep last 2 rows 3(4-5) times more.

Next Row (RS): K2, k2tog, work to last 4 sts, SKP, k2. P 1 row. Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. Work even on 88(104-120) sts until armholes measure 71/2(8-81/2)”.

Shape Shoulders: Bind off 6(8-10) sts at beg of next 6 rows, then 7(8-9) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off remaining 38(40-42) sts for back neck.

Left Front

With larger needles, cast on 54(64-74) sts. Work in right diagonal pat until piece measures 171/2(18-18)” from beg, end on WS.

Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): Work to last 4 sts, SKP (neck dec), k2. Continue in this way to dec 1 st at neck edge every 6th row 15(16-17) timesmore, AT THE SAME TIME, when same length as back to armhole, shape armhole at side edge (beg of RS rows) same as on back. When all neck decs have been completed and armhole measures same as for back, end on WS - 25(32-39) sts. shape shoulder at side edge same as for back.

Right Front

Work to correspond to left front, reversing shaping, working neck decs as follows:

Next Row (RS): K2, k2tog, work to end.


With larger needles, cast on 44 sts. Work in right diagonal pat for 2". Cont in pat, inc 1 st each side (working inc sts into pat and in 2nd st from edge) every 4th row 22(25-27) times. Work even on 88(94-98) sts until piece measures 171/2” from beg, end on WS.

Shape Cap: Work same as for back armhole shaping. Bind off remaining 62(64-64) sts.


Steam pieces lightly. Sew shoulder seams. Set in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams.

Front and Neckband: With smaller needles, cast on 11 sts and work in k1, p1 rib until band fits along left front to center back neck. Baste in place and adjust length if necessary. Place markers on band for 3 buttons, the first one 8" from lower edge, the last one just below first neck dec, and the 3rd spaced evenly between. Continue in ribbing until band fits along 2nd half of back neck and along right front edge to first button marker on left front, end on WS. Work a vertical buttonhole as follows:

Next Row (RS): Rib 5 sts, join a short length of yarn and rib to end. Work both sides at once with separate yarns for 3 rows more. Cut short length and continue on all sts with main yarn. Work 2 more buttonholes in same way opposite markers. Continue ribbing until band fits to lower edge of right front. Baste in place and adjust length if necessary. Bind off in ribbing. Sew band in place. Sew on buttons.

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  • Yarns Used:Metallic FX
  • Designer:Berroco Design Team
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Women's Clothing
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