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Japeruvia is a felted color blocked satchel knit in Peruvia and Jasper.


Approximately 28” around x 18” high (before felting)


2 Hanks Berroco Jasper (50 grs), #3823 Black Galaxy (E)

1 Hank each Berroco Peruvia (100 grs), #7100 Blanco (A),  #7134 Black (B), #7117 Gris Marengo (C) and #7112 Travertine (D)

24” Length circular knitting needle, size 10 (6.00 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

Straight knitting needles, size 10 (6.00 mm)

2 Double pointed knitting needles (dpn), size 6

Tapestry needle

1 St marker

Safety pin

Crochet hook, size 2.00 mm (B)

10 Tagua Nut Pendants in assorted colors from On the Surface


17 sts = 4”;  22 rows = 4” in St st with Peruvia on circular needle



Note:  Bag is worked from the top down.

Top:  With circular needle, using B, cast on 120 sts.  Join, being careful not to twist sts.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Work even in St st (k EVERY rnd) for 10”.  Change to E and knit 7 rnds.  Change to A and knit 4 rnds, purl 6 rnds, then knit 4 rnds.  Change to E and knit 1 rnd, purl 6 rnds, then knit 4 rnds.  Change to C and knit 1 rnd, purl 6 rnds, then knit 4 rnds.  Change to A and knit 4 rnds.  Bind off, replacing marker with pin.  Fold top in half with pin at center back and mark side edges.

Bottom:  With RS facing, using circular needle and E, pick up 10 sts before pin along bound-off edge of Top, drop pin, pick up 10 sts after pin – 20 sts on needle.  Work back and forth in St st, pick up and k1 st in bound-off edge of Top at end of every row until there are 60 sts on needle, end on WS.  Bind off.


Note: You can leave out the buttonholes on the striped pocket and the solid front pocket. We originally planned to have buttons, but ended up not using them. It’s your choice.

Sew bound-off sts of bottom to remaining bound-off sts of top.

I-Pod Pocket:  With RS facing, using straight needles and D, pick up and k20 sts at top of base in center of top back.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st for 21 rows, end on WS, then work 4 rows Reverse St st.  Bind off.  Sew side edges of pocket to top.

Striped Pocket:  With RS facing, using straight needles and A, pick up and k24 sts at top of base 2” in from left side marker. Purl 1 row.  * Join C and knit 2 rows.  With A, knit 1 row, purl 1 row. Rep from * once more, end on WS.  With C, knit 2 rows.  Drop A and join D.  ** With D, knit 2 rows, purl 1 row.  With C, knit 2 rows.  Rep from ** once more, end on WS.

Buttonhole Row (RS):  With D, k18, bind off 2 sts, k to end.

Following Row:  With D, purl across, casting on 2 sts over sts bound off on previous row.  With D, work 4 rows Reverse St st.  Bind off.  Sew side edges of pocket to top.

Solid Front Pocket:  With RS facing, using straight needles and D, beg 5 1/2” in from right side marker, pick up and k24 sts at top of C stripe.  Beg with a p row, work even in St st for 19 rows, end on WS.

Buttonhole Row (RS):  K11, bind off 2 sts, k to end.

Following Row:  Purl across, casting on 2 sts over sts bound off on previous row.  Work even in St st for 4 rows, end on WS.  Work even in Reverse St st for 4 rows.  Bind off.  Sew side edges of pocket to top. 

Strap: With dpn’s, using 1 strand each of D and E held tog, cast on 3 sts. Work I-Cord as follows:

Row 1: * K3, do not turn work. Slide sts to beg of needle to work next row from RS. Rep from * until strap reaches down 1 side of bag, across bottom edge, then up the other side of bag plus 30” for handle. Fasten off. Sew strap to side and lower edges of bag, sewing ends tog at one side.

Felt bag in washing machine using hot water and soap.  Check often as machine runs through its cycles.  When piece has reached desired size, remove, shape and allow to air dry.

Crocheted Ornament: With crochet hook, using black, sc through hole of first pendant, * ch 8, sc through hole of next pendant, rep from * until all pendants have been used. Fasten off. After bag has been felted, fasten tie-on around handle at one side of bag as in photo.

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  • Yarns Used:Berroco Jasper
  • Yarns Used:Berroco Peruvia®
  • Designer:Berroco Design Team
  • Skill Level:Easy
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Bags
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