Our extra large, felted Sean stocking features striping in two contrasting shades of Ultra® Alpaca.
One size
Approximately 23” long from top to toe x 9” across at top
2 Hanks each Berroco Ultra Alpaca (100 grs), #6249 Fennel (A) and #6247 Fern (B)
16” Length circular knitting needles, sizes 7 and 8 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
Straight knitting needles, size 8
3 St markers (one a different color)
20 sts = 4”; 26 rows = 4” in St st following Stripe Sequence on size 8 needle
With smaller circular needle, using A, cast on 112 sts. Join, being careful not to twist sts. Mark for beg of rnd with different colored marker and carry marker up. * Knit 1 row, purl 1 row, rep from * until piece measures 2” from beg. Change to larger circular needle and B and ** work 14 rnds in St st (k EVERY rnd), change to A and work 14 rnds in St st. Rep from ** for Stripe Sequence. Work even until piece measures approximately 12” from beg and 3 stripes of each color have been completed (including Garter St band at top).
Dec Rnd: Change to A. K1, SSK, k to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1 – 110 sts. Continuing to work in St st following Stripe Sequence, dec 1 st before and after marker in this manner every time you change colors 7 times more – 96 sts. Work even until piece measures approximately 28” from beg and 7 stripes of each color have been completed.
Shape Heel: Sl 24 sts before marker to LH end of needle. Join A and using straight needle, SSK, k22, drop marker, k22, k2 tog – 46 sts. Leave remaining 48 sts on circular needle for foot and work back and forth on straight needle.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Dec Row 2 (RS): SSK, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog – 44 sts. Rep this dec every RS row 13 times more, end on WS – 18 sts. Break off yarn.
Heel Gusset: Sl 9 sts from straight needle to RH end of circular needle without working them, place different colored marker; join A and using circular needle, k remaining 9 sts from straight needle, pick up and k1 st in each dec along left side of heel (15 sts), k48 sts, pick up and k1 st in each dec along right side of heel (15 sts), k9 unworked sts from end of needle – 96 sts.
Foot: Beg with Rnd 2 of A, work in St st following Stripe Sequence until 3 A stripes and 2 B stripes have been completed on foot. Change to B.
Shape Toe: Next Rnd: K21, SSK, k1, place marker, k1, k2 tog, k42, SSK, k1, place marker, k1, k2 tog, k21 – 92 sts. Continue to dec 1 st before and 1 st after each side marker in this manner EVERY rnd 13 times more – 40 sts. Bind off. Fold bind-off row in half with decs on right and left and sew toe tog.
Felt stocking in washing machine using hot water until it reaches the desired size. It may be necessary to run the cycle through more than once. Remove from washer and shape by hand. Allow to air dry.
- Yarns Used:Berroco Ultra® Alpaca
- Designer:Berroco Design Team
- Skill Level:Easy
- Craft:Knit
- Project Type:Holiday