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Our John Stocking in Ultra® Alpaca is a smart fairisle pattern personalized with the name of the recipient.


Approximately 30” from top to toe x 7½” across top


1 Hank each Berroco Ultra Alpaca (100 grs), #6247 Fern (Green), #6249 Fennel (Lt Green), #6283 Lavender Mix (Purple), #6234 Cardinal (Red) and #6285 Oceanic Mix (Blue)

Straight knitting needles, sizes 6 and 8 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

16” Length circular knitting needle, size 8

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles, size 8

1 St marker

1 St holder


20 sts = 4”;  26 rows = 4” in St st on size 8 needles


Note 1

When changing colors, hold color to the left and pick up new color from underneath.  This twist yarn so there are no holes.

Note 2

To personalize your stocking, chose the letters you need from the charted alphabet.  Our model has the name on both the front and back.  Turn the alphabet chart upside down and work each letter from the top down.  We suggest using a piece of graph paper and marking where your name will go.  Leave 1 st worked in Red between each letter.  All or part of Chart A may be used to fill in between the names if desired.  You could also just put the name on the front and work Chart A at each side.


With smaller needles, using Green, cast on 82 sts.

Row 1 (RS):  P2, * k2, p2, rep from * across.

Row 2:  K2, * p2, k2, rep from * across.  Rep these 2 rows until piece measures 5 1/2” from beg, end on WS.  Change to larger needles and work 4 rows in St st.

Next Row (RS):  Join Lt Green.  * K1 Green, k1 Lt Green, rep from * across.  Purl 1 row Green.  Join Purple and work 2 rows in St st, end on WS.  K 1 row Green.

Following Row (WS):  * P1 Lt Green, p1 Green, rep from * across.  Work 2 rows in St st with Green.

Name Band:  Change to Red and work 2 rows in St st, end on WS.  Join Blue and work name as desired (See Note 2) over the next 5 rows, end on RS.  With Red, purl 1 row, knit 1 row.  With Green, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, end on RS.  Repeat Following Row using Lt Green and Green, end on WS.  Knit 1 row with Green. With Purple, purl 1 row, knit 1 row.  Change to Blue and purl 1 row, knit 1 row, end on RS.  Join Red and beg with a p row, work in St st following Chart B for 13 rows, end on WS.  Drop Red and work 2 rows in St st with Blue.  Working in St st, keep 1 st at each edge in Blue and work Chart C over remaining sts.  AT THE SAME TIME, dec 1 st each side on next row, then every other RS row 7 times – 66 sts.  When the 12 rows of Chart C have been completed twice (24 rows), end on WS.  Continuing to work decs, with Purple knit 1 row, purl 1 row.  With Green, knit 1 row.

Next Row (WS):  * P1 Green, p1 Lt Green, rep from * across.  Work 2 rows in St st with Green.  Join Red and work in St st for 4 rows.  Work 2 rows in St st with Green.

Following Row (RS):  * K1 Lt Green, k1 Green, rep from * across.  Purl 1 row Green.  Work 2 rows in St st with Purple.  Knit 1 row Green.  Rep Next Row once more, end on WS.  Break off yarn.

Heel:  Next Row (RS):  Sl 16 sts from straight needle onto dpn, sl next 34 sts onto holder, sl remaining 16 sts onto same dpn – 32 sts.  With RS facing, join Green and work even in St st for 3 1/2”, end on RS.

Turn Heel (Short Rows):  Row 1 (WS):  P17, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 2:  Sl 1, k3, SSK, k1, turn.

Row 3:  Sl 1, p4, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 4:  Sl 1, k5, SSK, k1, turn.

Row 5:  Sl 1, p6, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 6:  Sl 1, k7, SSK, k1, turn.

Row 7:  Sl 1, p8, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 8:  Sl 1, k9, SSK, k1, turn.

Row 9:  Sl 1, p10, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 10:  Sl 1, k11, SSK, k1, turn.

Row 11:  Sl 1, p12, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 12:  Sl 1, k13, SSK, k1, turn.

Row 13:  Sl 1, p14, p2 tog, p1, turn.

Row 14:  Sl 1, k15, SSK, k1 – 18 sts.  Sl last 9 sts worked onto circular needle.

Foot:  Next Row (RS):  With circular needle, pick up and k10 sts along side left side of heel, place marker, k34 sts from holder, place marker, pick up and k10 sts along right side of heel, k9 remaining sts from straight needle – 72 sts.  Mark for beg of rnd with different colored marker and carry marker up.  Work in St st (k EVERY rnd).

Dec Rnd:  K17, k2 tog, sl marker, k to next marker, sl marker, SSK, k to end – 70 sts.  Rep this dec every other row 3 times more – 64 sts.  Drop 2 markers at decs and work even with Green for 2 rnds.  Join Lt Green.

Next Rnd:  * K1 Lt Green, k1 Green, rep from * around.  Knit 2 rnds Green.  Join Red and knit 4 rnds.  With Green, knit 2 rnds.  Rep Next Rnd once more.  Work even with Green for 3”.  Join Lt Green and rep Next Rnd once more.  Knit 1 rnd Green.  Knit 2 rnds Purple.  Knit 1 rnd Green.  Rep Next Rnd once more.  Knit 2 rnd Green.  Divide sts onto 3 dpn’s with first 16 sts on one needle, next 32 sts on second needle and 16 sts on third needle.  Change to Red.

Shape Toe:   On first needle, k14, k2 tog; on second needle, SSK, k28, k2 tog; on third needle, SSK, k to end – 60 sts.  Continue to dec 4 sts in this manner every other rnd 7 times more – 32 sts.  Sl 8 sts from third needle onto first needle.  Holding 2 needles parallel with 16 sts on each, weave toe tog using Kitchener St.


Sew back seam, reversing seam over top 3” of ribbing.  Fold back ribbing to RS.

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  • Yarns Used:Berroco Ultra® Alpaca
  • Designer:Berroco Design Team
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Holiday
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