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Our Colleen Stocking is richly cabled in Ultra® Alpaca.

One size


Approximately 21” from top to toe x 8” across at top


2 Hanks Berroco Ultra Alpaca (100 grs), #6234 Cardinal

Straight knitting needles, size 8 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

1 Set (4) double pointed knitting needles, size 8

Cable needle (cn)

1 St holder

4 St markers


20 sts = 4”;  26 rows = 4” in St st on size 8 needles



Decs at side edges of Chart should be worked as p2 tog on each side.


With straight needles, cast on 92 sts.  Work even in Garter St for 2”, end on RS.

Set-Up Row:  P14, place marker, * k3, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2, k6, p2, k3, place marker, * p8, place marker, rep between *’s, p14.

Establish Pat St:  Row 1 (RS):  K to 1st marker, work Row 1 of Chart to next marker, k to next marker, work Row 1 of Chart to next marker, k to end.

Row 2:  P to 1st marker, work Row 2 of Chart to next marker, p to next marker, work Row 2 of Chart to next marker, p to end.  Work in pat as established decreasing on Chart as indicated in Note, until piece measures approximately 5” from beg, end on Row 20 of Chart.

Dec/Inc Row (RS):  K1, k2 tog, * k to 2 sts before 1st marker, M1k, work to 2 sts after next marker, M1k, rep from * once more, k to last 3 sts, SSK, k1.  Working incs and decs in this manner, inc 1 st at markers on RS rows every 12th row twice more.  AT THE SAME TIME, work decs at beg and end of RS rows every 10th row 3 times more.  When all decs and incs have been completed, work until Row 56 of chart has been completed, dropping markers on last row – 60 sts.

Row 57 (RS):  K13,* sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k2, then k2 from cn, p2, sl 2 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k2, then k2 from cn, * k14, rep between *’s once more, k13.

Rows 58, 59 and 60: K the k sts and p the p sts as they face you.

Rows 61 and 62:  Rep Rows 57 and 58.

Row 63:  K15, * sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k2, p2, then k2 from cn, * k18, rep between *’s once more, k15.

Rows 64, 65 and 66:  K the k sts and p the p sts as they face you.

Row 67:  K15, * sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k2 tog twice, then k2 from cn, * k18, rep between *’s once more, k15 – 56 sts.  work even in St st until piece measures 15” from beg, end on WS.  Break off yarn.

Heel:  Sl 14 sts from straight needles to 1 dpn without working them;  sl next 28 sts to holder, sl last 14 sts to same dpn – 28 sts.  With RS facing, join yarn at beg of row.

Dec Row (RS):  SSK, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog.  Rep this dec every RS row 7 times more, end on RS – 12 sts.  Break off yarn.  Using extra dpn’s as needed, sl first 6 sts onto one dpn, join yarn and k6, pick up and k8 sts along left side of heel, k28 from holder, pick up and k8 sts along right side of heel, k 6 unworked sts from first needle – 56 sts.  Divide sts onto 3 dpn’s, mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Work even in St st (k EVERY rnd) for 4”.

Shape Toe:  Divide sts with 14 sts on 1st needle, 28 sts on 2nd needle and 14 sts on 3rd needle.

Dec Rnd:  On 1st needle, k to last 2 sts, SSK;  on 2nd needle, k2 tog, work to 2 sts from end, SSK;  on 3rd needle, k2 tog, k to end.  Rep this dec every other rnd 8 times more – 20 sts.  Sl 5 sts from each of the 2 back needles onto same needle.  Holding needles parallel to each other, weave toe tog using Kitchener St.  

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  • Yarns Used:Berroco Ultra® Alpaca
  • Designer:Norah Gaughan
  • Skill Level:Intermediate
  • Craft:Knit
  • Project Type:Holiday
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